Network Troubleshooting Flowchart

Windows Workstation Unable to Access a Network Service
Gather Clues
A. Ask Questions.
 i. What were you doing when the problem occurred?
ii. Have there been any recent changes to the network?
B. Have the customer recreate the problem while you watch.
While watching, check for obvious user errors (ID10T errors), such as Caps-Lock being on.

Do other workstations on the LAN have the same problem?
Yes  or  No

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Click here for a more advanced version of this flowchart that is compatible with newer browsers.

*NOTE: If you are unable to ping a web site using the normal ping command (which uses ICMP that may be blocked for security reasons), try pinging it with TCP using the psping command available from the PsTools software toolkit at http://download.sysinternals.com/files/PSTools.zip.
Examples: psping www.fhtc.edu:80