Network Troubleshooting Flowchart

Windows Workstation Unable to Access a Network Service
Gather Clues
A. Ask Questions.
 i. What were you doing when the problem occurred?
ii. Have there been any recent changes to the network?
B. Have the customer recreate the problem while you watch.
While watching, check for obvious user errors (ID10T errors), such as Caps-Lock being on.

Do other workstations on the LAN have the same problem?
Yes  or  No
Restart the affected workstation. Problem solved?

Yes  or  No
Is the Link-Light on the NIC lit?

Yes  or  No
Possible Solutions
A. Cable unplugged from NIC or switch/hub. Plug it in.
B. Faulty cable. Test with cable tester or swap cables.
C. Faulty or disabled NIC. Check if it is enabled in Windows and BIOS setup. Test with loopback. Swap with another NIC.
D. Bad port or uplink port on switch/hub. Move the cable to a different port.
E. Disabled port on managed switch. Login to switch and enable port.
F. If Wireless, lost connection to access point. Make sure workstation is close enough to access point. Check for interference. Make sure wireless NIC is configured with correct SSID & passphrase.

Problem Solved?
Document Your Solution

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